I was raised in the beautiful mountains of Western, North Carolina where I developed my devouring love for sweet tea, breakfasts for dinner and skiing. I recently moved to Charlotte, NC where I currently reside and work as a Promotions Coordinator for WBT News Talk 1110AM & 107.9 The Link (basically one of the coolest jobs ever!) I took up photography as a professional hobby in 2011. I am a graduate from Western Carolina University and am currently pursuing my Masters at Appalachian State University (Rivals, but still...GO CATS!) I'm a FANATIC for coffee and if you ever want to spark up a conversation with me, all you need to do is bring a hot-cup-o-joe and well....that's really it, because I could talk to a brick wall, if it will let me :)
I'm a family gal. I spend a lot of time with them and I love it and ALL of them! As of this past year I've been promoted to an Aunt, so I'm a pretty big deal these days ;)
I have a strong relationship with the Lord and I feel so blessed to be apart of all of his wild, fun, beautiful and unforeseeable plans!